If I Were To Live My Life Again By Nargis

I am twenty-five years old. This thought gives me a strange feeling, a strange and sudden realization that I have lived through twenty-five long years, through summers, winters, monsoons, and springs, laughed and cried and hoped and struggled, without ever feeling the weight of the years that were fast slipping away. I have never believed […]

Leaves From My Diary By Meena Kumari

Though I was too young to be able to keep a diary at the time, my recollections and reminiscences go back quite a long way, to the age of three in fact. I shall start from there. We had all gone from Bombay, where we lived to Punjab, to my father’s home my mother is […]

“Aap Ko Kya Taklif Hai?” By Nanda

“Aap Ko Kya Taklif Hai?” they say. They mean: Why do you worry your pretty head? But I can’t help worrying. The worst of all frustrations is the frustration of not being used. The feeling of being full of things to give and nowhere to give it. The feeling of being All Dressed Up and […]