My Dear Fans By Meena Kumari

DEAR FANS…Since we have started our column “Stars Meet Fans In Spotlight” in which stars reply to the questions sent by their fans, we have been receiving lots of letters addressed to participating stars. Surprisingly, this inward mall continues even after the particular stars have concluded their series, due to limited time at their disposal, […]

Romantic Scenes By Vyjayanthimala

There are certain forces at work in Indian films which make the realistic depiction of romantic scenes impossible. It would be unfair to blame the Censor’s code alone for the strictures placed on the representation of celluloid love, for the fault lies also with the public, and in part with the players themselves. The common […]

If I Were To Live My Life Again By Nargis

I am twenty-five years old. This thought gives me a strange feeling, a strange and sudden realization that I have lived through twenty-five long years, through summers, winters, monsoons, and springs, laughed and cried and hoped and struggled, without ever feeling the weight of the years that were fast slipping away. I have never believed […]