My Dear Fans By Meena Kumari

DEAR FANS…Since we have started our column “Stars Meet Fans In Spotlight” in which stars reply to the questions sent by their fans, we have been receiving lots of letters addressed to participating stars. Surprisingly, this inward mall continues even after the particular stars have concluded their series, due to limited time at their disposal, […]

Leaves From My Diary By Meena Kumari

Though I was too young to be able to keep a diary at the time, my recollections and reminiscences go back quite a long way, to the age of three in fact. I shall start from there. We had all gone from Bombay, where we lived to Punjab, to my father’s home my mother is […]

Likes And Dislikes By Meena Kumari

Translated from the Urdu by a “Filmfare” reporter. When I was a little girl I was fond of listening to stories like other children. My sisters and I would pester our mother or grandmother to tell us stories of fairies and witches, of kings and commoners stories of long ago and far away lands of […]