The Postman Knocks At The Ivory Tower By Nargis

A fan in Durban, South Africa, recently wrote to me: “I was tremendously moved by these lines in your “Leaves From My Diary” in “Filmfare” – ‘Nobody knew her, No one understood her, only I, I knew her, for I am her soul.’ “So I was compelled to write to you”. Those lines which occurred […]

My Problem Child: Sudha Parekh

We all have our problems and by god’s grace manage to face them, but what would you do if your problem was a brown eyes innocent-looking young girl of nineteen? What would you do if this young girl happens to be a film star, star of many silver jubilee hits? And to top it all […]

Madhubala: This Thing Called Love

Many a time I find that when I want to get down to giving expression to my innermost thoughts and feelings, it becomes difficult for me to find the right words through which I can speak exactly as I feel no more, no less! As a result, I have got into the habit of not […]